Category Archives: 100wc

week 21 word challenge

There were 2 freinds that were hiking together in the deserts in Sonoran desert in Arizona. These freinds loved the Arizona desert but on one of these trips one of them feel a sprained their ankle and his freinds used a shirt and some sticks to bandge his ankle and he used his hiking sticks as cruches and together they walked to their car to go to the nearest hosptial to get medical help. It shows never hike alone.

100wc challenge Week 19 …and the winner is…

Bill was competing in a marathon against his brother to see who was the best. Bill is now 17 miles in and he is right next to his brother and he say’s “Let’s just have fun okay. I do not care who wins.” His brother agrees so together they run the marathon. They are now 10 yards from the finish line and together they tie the marathon and the annoucer says “And the winner is Bill and Mack snyder.” So together they hold the trophy and get there picture taken. Check out more posts like this on the 100wc challenge website

Stuck taxi

There was a yellow taxi in New York. The driver turned on the radio and it said “And there you have it folks all the fact about waterefalls in other news there is supposed to be heavy snow fall so it is reccomended you stay off the road. Thats all we have guys.” Then the drivers son said “YAY!!!! I love snow.”

100 Word Challenge Week 11

The best form of transportation depends on where you live. Like if you live in the country it is probably best if you use a car and if you live in the city you can take the subway or ride a bike. One thing is certain though they all produce pollution. We need transportation to get to work but I think to cut down on pollution and carbon emissions there should be a law where every person in the U.S. should only be aloud to drive 1,800 miles a year but this varies depending on where you live. 

Image is from

100 word challenge 10

 This picture tells me that we need to take action and limit carbon emissions in our atmosphere. This plant has given us many things like medicine to help us live longer and cures for different diseases. People keep complaining about carbon emissions but not doing anything, but what we need to do is something about it!!! We need to put more government money on ocean exploration because there may be some answers like plants and animals down there that can solve the climate change problem. Overall we can’t annihilate carbon emissions but we can cut down on them. 

Image from 100 Word Challenge

100 word challenge Week 9

Climate Change is something we are all afraid of today. It is something we need to take notice urgently or the world as we know could be in great danger. The Energy industry commutes to the most greenhouse gas emissions with them commuting 76% of each year. If we do not do something soon scientists will put a code red into effect. Which means there will be more extreme weather events and will have to evacuate cities to prevent casualties. We have to take action now!